PMX 2007 |
Pacific Media Expo 2007 returns to Los Angeles the weekend of Veterans' Day, November 9 to 11. Stay tuned for website and information updates! |
Thank You For Attending |
PMX 2006 was a blast! We would like to thank our Guests of Honor, OLIVIA, UchuSentai NOIZ, Novala Takemoto, Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, as well as our special guests, MECHANiCAL PANDA, Random Ninjas, Dig Jelly, Kyle Hebert, Stephanie Sheh, and Sifu Kisu for their participation. We would also like to thank our staff and crew for lending their time and effort. And we would like to thank you, our attendees, for sharing this awesome experience with us. PMX appreciates all of our participants for making this year a huge success! And don't let your PMX 2006 memories fade away. Commemorate the first U.S. performances of OLIVIA and UchuSentai NOIZ with a limited edition PMX T-shirt. We will even ship to Japan! (Sorry, cute girl not included.) |
PMX News |
Updated 2007 April 15 PMX 2007 convention dates announced! (Yes, we're still alive, so you can stop your worrying now... -_-;; ) Pacific Media Expo 2006 is finally over! And everyone - Guests of Honor, staff and attendees - had an awesome experience they would never forget! PMX would like to thank all participants for another successful year! Stay tuned for upcoming news about next year's PMX 2007! Oh yeah, we're coming back, baby! ^_^V  |
Programming Schedule |
Pacific Media Expo is bringing you unique and exciting programming for PMX 2006!
Here is the latest schedule of events in PDF format. To view this file you need the free Adobe Reader.
You can also view the HTML version here. We have easy-to-follow, downloadable programming guides! Click here to get them! The programming schedule is subject to change. Please check back often for the latest schedule. Last updated: Oct. 26
PMX Hotel Room Autograph Raffle |
If you are registered to an LAX Hilton room for Pacific Media Expo, you qualify for a wildcard raffle ticket for the Guest of Honor autograph sessions. Here's how it works: 1) When you first check into your room, obtain a copy of your LAX Hilton Hotel receipt, listing the people that will be residing in your room. 2) Bring the receipt to Programming Operations, located in the San Lorenzo D room on the second floor. 3) A PMX representative will then add your names to our record and give you a wild card raffle ticket (valid only for the names on the receipt and limited to 4 people per room). 4) Keep your half of the ticket. The other will be placed into a bowl to be included in the raffle for a PMX 2006 Guest of Honor. Submissions will only be considered if they are given to Programming Operations prior to the actual "draw" for the Guest of Honor. 5) Winners will be posted at Merchandise/Information Desk, located in the lobby area outside of Main Events and Live Programming 1. Increase your chances for autographs by going to the panel as well!
For more information on the autograph policy, please visit the Policies & FAQ's section.
Registration and Ticketed Events |
Registration REGISTRATION IS ONLINE! The long wait is finally over! Now accepting Paypal and credit card payments. Visit the Registration page for updated information. Ticketed Special Events Concerts and ticketed special events (such as the Un-Birthday Party) are in addition to your regular membership, however, standby tickets may be made available for some events. Membership is required prior to purchasing tickets. Concert Tickets You must be an attendee of the PMX convention in order to buy tickets for and attend the Pacific Music Live concerts. Ticketholders Concert tickets for OLIVIA (UchuSentai NOIZ, Dig Jelly, OLIVIA: starts at 7 p.m. Oct. 28) and UchuSentai NOIZ (UchuSentai NOIZ, MECHANiCAL PANDA, Random Ninjas: starts at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 29) are on sale NOW! Updated Oct. 20.  |
2005 CosFest Winners |
 Best of Show, Craftsmanship, Individual: #37 Dancing Fool - Jon Talbain AKA Gallan from Darkstalkers
The Twisted Tea Party Hostess' Prize went to Dancing Shadow for their entry "Mary's Mad Tea Party".