
Pacific Media Expo returns to Los Angeles the weekend of Veterans' Day, November 9 to 11, 2007. Stay tuned for website and information updates

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Help Staff PMX Print E-mail
So you think you got what it takes to staff for Pacific Media Expo? Our staffers are dedicated people who volunteer their time and effort to make this convention run smoothly and successfully. Many of them come from all over the world to take part in the Asian culture and lend their ideas and spirits to the convention. Becoming a staffer is a good way to create and maintain friendships. Plus, it's a good way to build up your resume.

"Is staffing for me?"

Staffing requires hard-work, dedication, teamwork and time. We don't try to work you like a dog, but like any job, you are expected to perform your tasks to the best of your abilities. A Department Head expects his/her staff to follow instructions and complete their assigned duties. Sometimes the work can be exhausting. You don't have to have the skills to perform your job, just the spirit to act on it.

Below are the few things that we look for in a staffer:

  • Willingness - Learning is a life experience. You may find that you enjoy something that you never thought you'd do. It may become a career choice.
  • Team Player - You must work well with others.
  • Time - You must be able to work on all days of the convention, and sometimes outside the convention days.
  • Discipline - You must be able to follow instructions from a Department Head and uphold your responsibilities.
  • Fun - You must be able to enjoy yourself.

"So how do I join the PMX Staff?"

There are a few ways to join our staff:

1. If you worked as a PMX All-Con or One-Day Volunteer in a previous year(s) and there was a particular department you liked, contact the Head of that department. If the Department Head remembers you, he/she can add you to his/her staff.

2. If a current or past PMX staffer, in good standing, can refer or recommend you, then have that staffer contact a Department Head for an interview.

3. If you have skills or experience in a particular field, then one of our departments can use you. PMX is constantly looking for staffers that have certain abilities in some of the following areas:

  • Tech/Video/Sound Equipment
  • Stage Equipment
  • Information/Attendee Services
  • Logistics
  • Live Programming
  • Video Programming
  • Cultural Programming
  • Interpreter
  • Security/Line Control
  • Press Relations
  • Newsletter/Reporter/Photographer
  • Concert Coordinator
  • Industry Liaison
  • Music Liaison
  • Cinema Liaison
  • Anime/Manga Liaison
  • Webmaster/Web Programmer
This list is non-exclusive. If you think you have certain skills that could benefit the convention in its endeavour to become the premiere convention for Asian Pop Cultures, then join our staff.

Staffing isn't all about work; it's also about having fun and enjoying the convention, about building new friendships and learning new things, and about building a community and promoting good will and Asian cultures to the world.

Are you up to the challenge? (Are you scared?) To contact PMX for staffing, email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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