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Sunday, Oct. 29 / Concert starts at 4:30 p.m.
Hilton Los Angeles Airport International Ballroom

Random Ninjas is a rock band based in Los Angeles that performs their own original compositions evolved from multigenre influences fusing blazing guitars, rock, jazz, pop, and traditional taiko elements. From performances all over California, to all the way to Japan, this collective of creative and talented musicians enlivens any venue with their energetic performances. Random Ninjas is made up of Funk Masta Ninja (vocals/bboy), Yuko aka Kunoichi Oyuu (vocals/keyboard), Kaato (vocals/bass), Yusuke aka Supa Lucha Ninja (taiko drums), Nico-sama (keyboards), Sub Drummer (drums) and Full Metal Ninja (guitar). Random Ninjas also performed at Pacific Media Expo 2005.

Pacific Media Expo PMX Pacific Music Live rock band Random NinjasRandom Ninjas. The word 'NINJAS' in the name evokes the image of dark stealth assassins in the shadows of feudal Japan dressed to blend in with the environment. However, a mere visual taste of the Random Ninjas themselves will make it clear that the word in their name that describes them most is RANDOM.

With more members than your average musical group, this Los Angeles-based rock band seemed to have emerged practically out of nowhere. Somehow this ensemble from various walks of life and different tastes and hobbies was born out of the melting pot known as Southern California. Randomness saturates their presence and their performances.

Their original compositions are prime examples of fusion music which blends well with the multi-genre nature of the music they love. Within a single live performance, audience members can enjoy hard rock alongside epic symphonies, bebop jazz, and heavy beats of Japanese taiko drums with wailing electric guitar solos. Their music is for anyone whose looking for something new and random.

Random Ninjas also expands the experience by adding guest musicians/artists, martial artists, dancers and any other random additions they can think of. Random Ninjas is a full blown production entity that brings a multi-faceted, energetic show to every venue they attack.

Learn more about the Random Ninjas at their official website.

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