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The Un-Birthday Party is a special opportunity to meet one of the most influential figures of Gothic and Lolita culture. Novala Takemoto is an author and fashion designer but he is best known for the novel turned movie Shimotsuma Monogatari which was released in the United States as Kamikaze Girls. He has also designed clothing and accessories for labels such as BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT and Sanrio.

It is Novala Takemoto's un-birthday and it just so happens that this is also your un-birthday too! Through Cosplay Oneesan and Pacific Media Expo, you are invited to this exclusive event: to have a real-life face-to-face tea party with Mr.Takemoto himself. Due to the intimate nature of this event, seating is very limited and advance tickets must be purchased in order to attend. This is a "White Tie Lolita" event; dress codes will be enforced for all participants and observers (including press).

Please see Party Menu and Ticket Information if you are interested in attending this very special event.

 Un-Birthday Party, presented by Cosplay Oneesan
Official Un-Birthday Party dress and conduct codes.

Cosplay Oneesan    The Un-Birthday Party is a formal event. While the dress code is described as "White Tie Lolita", the term should be used loosely in association with normal "White Tie" Western-style dress codes.  The formality of your conduct and demeanor at the Un-Birthday Party, however, should be the same as in Western-style White Tie events. "White Tie Lolita" implies the formality of this event which revolves around the proper presentation of classic Lolita fashion. Please understand that this event is very important in casting the first impression of Lolitas in America to Mr. Takemoto, one of the founders of this movement and lifestyle. Depending on the success of this event, the Un-Birthday Party will have a high determining factor in the future expansion and viability of the Lolita market and lifestyle into the United States and North America. (If I have to spell this out for you, think of the possibility of the FRANCHISING OF BRAND NAME STORES INTO THE U.S. such as VOLKS for Dollfies, for example.)  
    Please note, this list of rules is subject to change without notice. Dress and conduct codes will be strictly enforced. Violating these rules will forfeit your seat, and you will not be eligible to participate regardless of ticket holding status.  The Lolita Hostess has the final word and decision on these rules. If you're unsure, please e-mail your outfit picture to: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
   Please note that all tickets are non-refundable.

Un-Birthday Party Menu and Pricing

High Tea Menu (US Style)

Finger Sandwiches:
Choose either meat or vegetarian.
  • Meat: Roast beef & horseradish, and turkey & Dijon mustard
  • Veggie: Cucumber & cream cheese, and stilton & pear plate slices
Included Side Dishes:
Coleslaw cup, microgreens with vinaigrette, three small pieces of fruit, two cookies, fresh scones (one per person) in a wrapped basket, preserves, and double devon cream.
Tea, served "family style."

Poll: Which tea do you prefer: Earl Grey or English Breakfast? Vote in our forums!

Ticket Pricing

* All proceeds go to covering the costs and overhead of this special event. *
  • Novala Takemoto's Table - $80 (5 seat limit) -- SOLD OUT in 21 SECONDS!
  • Inner Tables - $50 (16 seat limit) -- SOLD OUT in TWO HOURS!
  • Outer Tables - $40 (54 seat limit)

Limit one ticket per convention member.

Un-Birthday ticket sales are open

Tickets for the Un-Birthday Party are available online. Note that convention membership for Saturday is required to purchase Un-Birthday party tickets. Please see our Registration page and follow the directions there. Once you have registered, you will be able to purchase tickets.
Examples of appropriate attires:
    * Classic  Lolita, Sweet Lolita, Wa-Lolita , Elegant Gothic Lolita / Aristocrat,  Kodona, and Dandy are welcomed. You may dress in whichever gender you identify with.
    * If you or your significant other is not Lolita, you may dress in classic White Tie attire. Black tie or less formal are not permitted. Your local Selix store should be able to help you.
    * Confident about your skills? You may certainly wear your own creations. Please make sure you do follow the guidelines.
     * Observers and press must be dressed in black tie attire. They will be seated in a specially designated location.

Not allowed:
    * Casual Lolita - Certain cutsew is not appropriate for this formal setting. Please e-mail the Lolita Hostess with your outfit picture.
    * Punk, Kogal, Visual-kei, Street Clothes - Self explanatory
    * Fruits - While they are colourful, this is a formal setting. This falls under the same rules as street clothes.
    * Ero - Brothel look doesn't work either. Please make sure your outfit for all styles is modest and covers you appropriately.
    * Guro - We're trying to eat.  Not vomit.
    * Maids - Aprons are allowed if it suits your outfit tastefully, but generally maids are not allowed. Please note that a properly done Alice is allowed. However, this walks a fine line as cosplay Alice is frowned upon. The difference is typically the quality of the garment or if it's just off the shelf of a custom shop.
    * Cosplay - This is not a cosplay event. This is a fashion and lifestyle-oriented event. All cosplay costumes are inappropriate. This includes:
        - Characters from Novala's Kamikaze Girls such as Momoko and Ichigo. If you happen to be wearing the same dress as Momoko from the movie, please try not to go out of your way to replicate her.
        - Anime and manga characters which resemble Lolita fashion such as Chobits, Rozen Maiden, Paradise Kiss, Godchild, etc.
        - Cat ears / Chi ears / Naruto Headbands / Wings
        - Weapons
    * Skirt length - Should be no less than 20 inches from your natural waist to the hem of your skirt. Your outer skirt should not be your petticoat. If you're wearing a skirt or a dress, please be sure wear a petticoat underneath. Your petticoat should stays hidden underneath your skirt.
    * Makeup - Your makeup be should be natural and minimal. No smeared, runny, or mime look. This includes excessive white powdering. Lipstick should be complementary to your attire but do avoid use of black or blue colors.
    * Brand Status - Regardless of a garment is “Brand” or not, all dress codes applies. For example, T-shirts from any brand is still not permitted, nor a skirt that is too short.

Conduct and demeanor:
    * Seating is assigned to each person individually.  Seat swapping is not allowed.
    * Cameras - No portrait pictures are allowed. However, you may take pictures from your seat. Please try not to disturb other guests by being too conspicuous or obtrusive.
    * Autograph - Asking for autographs, interviews, harassments of our GoH in are  strictly prohibited. You will be escorted out of the party promptly. What is deemed acceptable is entirely up to the Lolita Hostess.
    * Cellphone, PDAs, and other communication devices should be set to silent. If you must communicate with your device, please excuse yourself from the party.
    * Outside foods and drinks are prohibited.
    * Most importantly once again: Lolita Hostess has the final word and decision.
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